Well with the good and evil base research established this is a great starting point but not good enough for me to even begin creating the type of characters I want for the game.
Step 1 : find a distinction between the good and evil characters. (done)
Step 2: What makes for a great leading character??
What makes for a great leading character:
Anyone who likes a good story will tell you that what drives them to
read on is wanting to know what happens to that central character. They
want to follow this person’s journey from the first page until its final
conclusion. And in order to make the reader want to remain loyal to
this person, they need someone who is compelling, who is charismatic and
more importantly, they want someone who is filled with intrigue and
personality. Not just a plain persona made out of the heroic mold. They
want someone who they can relate to, someone perhaps they can see
themselves as being.
We can see this in some of literature’s greatest protagonists; Odysseus,
who longs to return to his family and kingdom; Frodo Baggins, who
desires to spare his homelands from the ravages of war; Harry Potter,
who must face a destiny that is beyond his control.
Even with this basis the hollywood way isn't enough anymore, being taken on adventure through game and film can be in many forms, I fill as with my character designs and character mechanics I could push for a new type of hero.
(Would people enjoy a game in which what they precieved as the main charcaters are just the same as any ordinaryu soilder, that is just a story told through their eyes or through someone elses eye who witnessed the characters efforts???)
-Great/Interesting personality
-One hell of a back story (pretty much to establish the bad ass in them)
- enemy (this is a tricky part the best possible enemy could be themselves or their sociaty, relating to mordern day society e.g. political/economic issues, what does that mean to put it simply theres a superman comic where he fights hitler : http://comicsalliance.com/inglourious-basterd-the-history-of-hitler-in-comics/)
The message sent by my charcaters doesn't need to be as on the nose as DC but pretty darn close, whats the point in creating characters if they just look good but represent nothing that where comic books have it right sounds a hell of a lot like I'm being preachy but as a child growing up with comics you always want to be like your hero.
-Now back to the point I'm trying to say no matter what mechanics I add to my characters, why they fight their back story whilst standing for something that is based on morden day issues which people face everyday, this will allow the character to become more of an icon.