Thursday, 29 May 2014

Creature Creation - Corrupt and Uncorrupt.

By gathering research on prehistoric creatures and their stages of evolution I have been able to develop creatures for an alien planet with similar anatomy types in order to resemble a similar evolutionary pattern thereby adding a sense of realism.

Game basis:

The game project is aimed at sending the message of environmental pollution, this is done by showing corrupt environments that the player fights to clean up/ cleanse. This is done by showing the pollution as corruption.

Aim with characters:

In order to best show the corruption in the game the characters need to reflect the pollution.
With the creation of my basic creatures for the game environment, as the game project is designed to show corruption/pollution I have designed two versions of each character , corrupted and uncorrupted. By creating two versions of each character I can best show how pollution affects animals in their environment thereby increasing the message of the game. The corrupt versions of the character will also be shown with UDK particle effects, as the corrupt creatures will act as one of the main in game enemies.

The corrupt creatures are designed to be harder to fight and look more gruesome.